React 类型指南
- // 重要
React 中常用类型
Function Components
type AppProps = { message: string };
const App: React.FunctionComponent<AppProps> = ({ message }) => (
const App: React.FC<AppProps> = ({ message }) => (
const [user, setUser] = React.useState<IUser | null>(null);
// later...
const initialState = { count: 0 };
| { type: "increment"; payload: number }
| { type: "decrement"; payload: string };
function reducer(state: typeof initialState, action: ACTIONTYPE) {
switch (action.type) {
case "increment":
return { count: state.count + action.payload };
case "decrement":
return { count: state.count - Number(action.payload) };
throw new Error();
function Counter() {
const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState);
return (
Count: {state.count}
<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: "decrement", payload: "5" })}>
<button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: "increment", payload: 5 })}>
const ref1 = useRef<HTMLElement>(null!); // null!是非空断言
const ref2 = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);
HTMLElement 有很多具体的类型:
interface HTMLElement extends Element { }
interface HTMLAnchorElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLAreaElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLAudioElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLBaseElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLBodyElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLBRElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLButtonElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLDataElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLDataListElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLDialogElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLDivElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLDListElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLEmbedElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLFieldSetElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLFormElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLHeadingElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLHeadElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLHRElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLHtmlElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLIFrameElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLImageElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLInputElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLModElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLLabelElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLLegendElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLLIElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLLinkElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLMapElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLMetaElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLObjectElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLOListElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLOptGroupElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLOptionElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLParagraphElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLParamElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLPreElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLProgressElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLQuoteElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLSlotElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLSelectElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLSourceElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLSpanElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLStyleElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTableElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTableColElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTableDataCellElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTableHeaderCellElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTableRowElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTableSectionElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTemplateElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTextAreaElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTitleElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLTrackElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLUListElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLVideoElement extends HTMLElement { }
interface HTMLWebViewElement extends HTMLElement { }
Class Components
type MyProps = {
// using `interface` is also ok
message: string;
type MyState = {
count: number; // like this
class App extends React.Component<MyProps, MyState> {
state: MyState = {
// optional second annotation for better type inference
count: 0,
render() {
return (
{this.props.message} {this.state.count}
Forms and Events
// typing on RIGHT hand side of =
onChange = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => {
this.setState({ text: e.currentTarget.value });
// typing on LEFT hand side of =
onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = (e) => {
this.setState({text: e.currentTarget.value})
//Typing onSubmit, with Uncontrolled components in a Form
onSubmit={(e: React.SyntheticEvent) => {
const target = as typeof & {
email: { value: string };
password: { value: string };
const email =; // typechecks!
const password = target.password.value; // typechecks!
// etc...
Event 事件对象类型
ClipboardEvent<T = Element> 剪切板事件对象
DragEvent<T =Element> 拖拽事件对象
ChangeEvent<T = Element> Change事件对象
KeyboardEvent<T = Element> 键盘事件对象
MouseEvent<T = Element> 鼠标事件对象
TouchEvent<T = Element> 触摸事件对象
WheelEvent<T = Element> 滚轮时间对象
AnimationEvent<T = Element> 动画事件对象
TransitionEvent<T = Element> 过渡事件对象
当我们定义事件处理函数时有没有更方便定义其函数类型的方式呢?答案是使用 React 声明文件所提供的 EventHandler 类型别名,通过不同事件的 EventHandler 的类型别名来定义事件处理函数的类型。
EventHandler 接收 E ,其代表事件处理函数中 event 对象的类型。
type EventHandler<E extends SyntheticEvent<any>> = { bivarianceHack(event: E): void }["bivarianceHack"];
type ReactEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<SyntheticEvent<T>>;
type ClipboardEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent<T>>;
type DragEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<DragEvent<T>>;
type FocusEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<FocusEvent<T>>;
type FormEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<FormEvent<T>>;
type ChangeEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<ChangeEvent<T>>;
type KeyboardEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent<T>>;
type MouseEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<MouseEvent<T>>;
type TouchEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<TouchEvent<T>>;
type PointerEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<PointerEvent<T>>;
type UIEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<UIEvent<T>>;
type WheelEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<WheelEvent<T>>;
type AnimationEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<AnimationEvent<T>>;
type TransitionEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<TransitionEvent<T>>;
合成事件包装器 SyntheticEvent
SyntheticEvent<T = Element, E = Event>
泛型接口,即原生事件的集合,就是原生事件的组合体.您的事件处理程序将传递 SyntheticEvent 的实例,这是一个跨浏览器原生事件包装器。(官方介绍)
<button onClick={(e:SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>)=>{
<input onChange={(e:SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>)=>{
onSubmit={(e: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => {
onBlur={(e: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => {
onKeyUp={(e: SyntheticEvent<Element, Event>) => {
import * as React from "react";
interface AppContextInterface {
name: string;
author: string;
url: string;
const AppCtx = React.createContext<AppContextInterface | null>(null);
// Provider in your app
const sampleAppContext: AppContextInterface = {
name: "Using React Context in a Typescript App",
author: "thehappybug",
url: "",
export const App = () => (
<AppCtx.Provider value={sampleAppContext}>...</AppCtx.Provider>
// Consume in your app
export const PostInfo = () => {
const appContext = React.useContext(AppCtx);
return (
Name: {}, Author: {}, Url:{" "}
class CssThemeProvider extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
private rootRef = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>(); // like this
render() {
return <div ref={this.rootRef}>{this.props.children}</div>;
type Props = { children: React.ReactNode; type: "submit" | "button" };
export type Ref = HTMLButtonElement;
export const FancyButton = React.forwardRef<Ref, Props>((props, ref) => (
<button ref={ref} className="MyClassName" type={props.type}>
const modalRoot = document.getElementById("modal-root") as HTMLElement;
// assuming in your html file has a div with id 'modal-root';
export class Modal extends React.Component {
el: HTMLElement = document.createElement("div");
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return ReactDOM.createPortal(this.props.children, this.el);
Basic Prop Types Examples
type AppProps = {
message: string;
count: number;
disabled: boolean;
/** array of a type! */
names: string[];
/** string literals to specify exact string values, with a union type to join them together */
status: "waiting" | "success";
/** any object as long as you dont use its properties (NOT COMMON but useful as placeholder) */
obj: object;
obj2: {}; // almost the same as `object`, exactly the same as `Object`
/** an object with any number of properties (PREFERRED) */
obj3: {
id: string;
title: string;
/** array of objects! (common) */
objArr: {
id: string;
title: string;
/** a dict object with any number of properties of the same type */
dict1: {
[key: string]: MyTypeHere;
dict2: Record<string, MyTypeHere>; // equivalent to dict1
/** any function as long as you don't invoke it (not recommended) */
onSomething: Function;
/** function that doesn't take or return anything (VERY COMMON) */
onClick: () => void;
/** function with named prop (VERY COMMON) */
onChange: (id: number) => void;
/** alternative function type syntax that takes an event (VERY COMMON) */
onClick(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void;
/** an optional prop (VERY COMMON!) */
optional?: OptionalType;
Useful React Prop Type Examples
- React.ReactElement —— 使用React.createElement创建的,可以简单理解为React中的JSX的元素
- React.ReactNode ——
xxx的合法类型 - React.CSSProperties —— 组件内联的style对象的类型
- React.RefObject —— React.createRef创建的类型,只读不可改
- React.MutableRefObject —— useRef创建的类型,可以修改
export declare interface AppProps {
children1: JSX.Element; // bad, doesnt account for arrays
children2: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]; // meh, doesn't accept strings
children3: React.ReactChildren; // despite the name, not at all an appropriate type; it is a utility
children4: React.ReactChild[]; // better
children: React.ReactNode; // best, accepts everything
functionChildren: (name: string) => React.ReactNode; // recommended function as a child render prop type
style?: React.CSSProperties; // to pass through style props
onChange?: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>; // form events! the generic parameter is the type of
props: Props & React.PropsWithoutRef<JSX.IntrinsicElements["button"]>; // to impersonate all the props of a button element without its ref
- JSX.Element -> Return value of React.createElement
- React.ReactNode -> Return value of a component
namespace JSX {
// ...
interface Element extends React.ReactElement<any, any> { }
// ...
ReactElement 是一个接口,包含 type,props,key 三个属性值。该类型的变量值只能是两种: null 和 ReactElement 实例.
ReactNode 是一种联合类型(Union Types),可以是 string、number、ReactElement、{}、boolean、ReactNodeArray。由此可以看出 ReactElement 类型的变量可以直接赋值给 ReactNode 类型的变量,但是反过来是不行的。
JSX.Element extends
ReactElement ⊂ ReactNode
Images and other non-TS/TSX files
// declaration.d.ts
// anywhere in your project, NOT the same name as any of your .ts/tsx files
declare module "*.png";
// importing in a tsx file
import * as logo from "./logo.png";
// inject static values to a component so that they're always provided
export function inject<TProps, TInjectedKeys extends keyof TProps>(
Component: React.JSXElementConstructor<TProps>,
injector: Pick<TProps, TInjectedKeys>
) {
return function Injected(props: Omit<TProps, TInjectedKeys>) {
return <Component {...(props as TProps)} {...injector} />;
type NativeButtonProps = ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> & BaseButtonProps
type NativeAriaProps = AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> & BaseButtonProps